What is Youth Vaccine?

Youth Vaccine is the method applied for the treatment of loss of elasticity, moisture loss and sagging in the skin. With these applications, which are one of the skin rejuvenating processes, wrinkles on the skin are repaired and the skin regains its brightness. The positive effect of these procedures, which are performed without surgical intervention, shows itself immediately.

In this vaccine treatment, which is used as an anti-aging; Contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and activation-enhancing ingredients. With the effect of this vaccine, which is applied to correct the wrinkled and lifeless appearance of the skin, a protective feature against wear occurs. In addition to these features youth vaccine prepares the environment for collagen production. As a result, the skin reaches a tight and healthy appearance.

How is Youth Vaccine (Youth Serum) Made?

Youth serum applications are carried out under a certain procedure. This procedure is as follows;

  • First of all, a treatment plan is prepared according to the patient’s needs.
  • This application is done with needles and numbing cream is used to prevent the patient from feeling any discomfort.
  • Then the injection process takes place. After the procedure, slight redness may occur in the area and even bruises may occur. However, these situations pass within a few days.
  • The procedure is usually done at intervals of 10 or 15 days.
  • The effect of the youth serum shows itself in approximately 5 days.
  • After the procedure is completed, the skin regains a lively appearance.
  • One of the most important details in this application is the content of the vaccine. A content should be prepared according to the patient’s skin needs.
  • Youth serum procedures, which are carried out at 2-week intervals, are performed approximately 3-4 sessions.

Who Can Be Applied to Youth Vaccine?

  • Damage to the skin after smoking and alcohol use
  • Those who have wrinkle and sagging skin
  • People with acne problems
  • Those who have lost their skin moisture
  • For those whose skin is dull and whose skin has lost its vitality youth vaccine

People to whom the youth serum cannot be applied;

  • People who are pregnant and breastfeeding
  • Those with bleeding and cancer diseases
  • People who are allergic to drugs and substances to be used in the procedure
  • Psoriasis and eczema sufferers
  • People who are not in good general health

Which Regions Are Treated With Youth Vaccine?

First of all, youth serum is easily applied to all areas where wrinkles and sagging of the skin are severe. The aging of the skin proceeds differently than other organs. Therefore, youth serum is very important in slowing down this aging of the skin.

A physical examination is performed by the physician and an evaluation is carried out accordingly. Depending on the skin structure, appearance and age of the patient, it is decided whether this application will be made or not.

Youth serum is applied to the following areas;

  • Eye area
  • Oral Circumference
  • Hand
  • Neck and décolleté area
  • Forehead area

These areas where youth serum is applied generally need aesthetic interventions. The protection of these regions, which are highly exposed to external factors, is an important issue. For this, the most effective treatment method should be used before the deformation reaches serious degrees in these regions.

When Does Youth Vaccine (Youth Serum) Show Its Effect?

Youth serum shows its effect visibly from the 2nd day. In particular, the hydration of the skin increases and the skin texture tone reaches a quality appearance. The exact result of this procedure varies from person to person. While the treatment process continues, doctors advise to drink plenty of water, eat regularly and take care of his life.

The procedure shows its full effect after approximately one week. After the treatment is completed, the effect appears immediately. The vitality and brightness of the skin are immediately visible. There are several factors that change the effect of the procedure. These; treatment planning and the number of application areas. It is possible to achieve the desired results in a short time if the youth serum is applied as much as necessary.

What Should Be Considered After Youth Vaccine (Youth Serum)?

There are some points that the patient should pay attention to after the youth serum. These points both increase the effect of the process and prolong the process time. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to these points. Things to consider after the procedure are:

  • Preparing and following a balanced diet program
  • Sleep regularly and drink plenty of water
  • Staying away from substances that disrupt the structure of the skin and increase aging (these are cigarettes and alcohol)
  • It is necessary not to use skin care products that contain chemical ingredients. Accordingly, not doing skin massage for a long time
  • Using care products with natural ingredients, following the doctor’s advice
  • Hyaluronic acid is absorbed and destroyed by the body after a certain period of time. Therefore, the effect of the procedure may be short-lived. It is necessary to pay attention to the things to be considered after the application.

What are the Benefits of the Youth Vaccine?

There are many benefits that the youth serum provides to the person. These benefits can be listed as follows;

  • It purifies the skin from dead cells.
  • It gives support to the skin and makes one’s skin resistant to gravity.
  • It slows down the signs of aging considerably.
  • It helps the person’s skin structure to always look lively and bright.
  • Tightens the pores on the skin and makes the skin look clean.
  • Prevents the loss of elasticity and protects the health of the skin.
  • Contributes to skin moisture.
  • It strengthens the skin against the harmful effects of smoking.
  • It protects the skin against the spots left after aging, sun and acne.
  • It can be applied to any skin type to treat many skin problems.
  • Rejuvenation in a natural and healthy way is possible with the youth serum.

Different youth serum price ranges can be mentioned in each clinical center. The reason for this is that each clinic determines its own price policy. A general price scale is created depending on all the ingredients. Before benefiting from youth serum treatment, centers where the expectations of the person will be met should be a priority.

The most basic factor affecting the prices of youth serum; How many sessions will the application be made? While 2-3 session intervals are sufficient for a young person, more session intervals may be needed for older people. These factors directly change the price scale.

However, in general, it can be said that youth serum prices are affordable. For detailed information about the prices of the application, you should contact the center where the procedure will be performed. Youth vaccine prices 2024 You can contact us for information.

What is Hyaluronic Acid Used in Youth Vaccine?

Hyaluronic acid has different benefits for different areas of the body. It plays an important role especially against skin abrasions, moisture loss, joint disorders and chronic fatigue. The most effective area is skin care. This acid is normally found in the skin connective tissue of the body and can be produced by itself.

This acid substance, which has the ability to keep the water molecule many times over its own weight, supports cell production and thus helps the skin to remain flexible and moist. As age progresses, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the human body also decreases. Therefore, this substance must be taken from the outside as a supplement. Thus, the skin looks healthier.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid to the skin can be listed as follows;

  • It provides moisture balance to the skin due to its water-holding nature.
  • In case of deficiency of this substance, the skin appears pale and unhealthy.
  • With this acid, which provides flexibility in all skin types, the skin gets a stronger form.
  • The skin becomes more resistant to external damage.
  • It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Thus, it acts as a shield against many factors that cause skin wear.
  • While helping to heal wounds on the skin faster, it is also used in the treatment of acne and blemishes.

How Many Sessions of Youth Vaccine (Youth Serum)?

Youth serum generally consists of 3-4 sessions depending on the age and specific problems of the skin. However, a treatment plan is prepared for at least 2 sessions. Its effects are best manifested when the process is prepared according to the treatment plan. As a result, the results are more permanent.

Youth serum treatment, which is carried out as 3-4 sessions at intervals of 2 or 3 weeks, is performed in 5 sessions in cases where the patient’s skin is excessively worn, wrinkles and sagging are excessive.

Youth serum treatment is effective for a certain period of time, as in many skin rejuvenation methods. Its permanence may be prolonged or shortened depending on skin condition, age, skin care and whether or not to go to the sessions regularly. After the sessions of the individually planned youth serum treatment are completed, the effects on the skin can be permanent for up to 1 year.

For Which Skin Problems Is Youth Vaccine Preferred?

The most effective treatment method to fight agingYouth serum, which is one of the benefits, does not require surgical intervention and is a procedure where results can be seen quickly. Thanks to these processes, which bring vitality, moisture and elasticity to the skin, skin aging is slowed down.

Youth serum is applied to those who have the following skin problems;

  • Wrinkling and sagging of the skin due to aging
  • Damage to the skin due to smoking and harmful habits
  • Excessive skin exposure to sun and environmental influences
  • Loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin
  • Present and ongoing acne problems
  • The skin has a matte appearance and loses its vitality

Youth serum is one of the most ideal treatment methods for skin structures that have these problems.

What are the H100 Vaccine Top Benefits?

Hyaluronic acid has a high moisture holding capacity. Due to this feature, the skin remains constantly moist and this is very important for the body. The H100 vaccine, which nourishes the applied area with its rich content, moisturizes the skin for a long time. Thus, the rejuvenation and repair process triggered in the deep tissues begins. The following can be said about the benefits of the H100 vaccine;

  • The tissues under the hand repair themselves.
  • Moisture and elasticity of the hand and skin increase.
  • It triggers collagen production.
  • The skin renews itself starting from the lower layers.
  • The features of her face are becoming more pronounced.
  • It provides a lifting effect and thus the hand and skin begin to recover.
  • A more vivid and luminous hand texture is obtained.
  • The appearance of the stains on the hand is reduced and it provides protection against the formation of stains.

Is Youth Vaccine Permanent?

Hyaluronic acid, which is used in youth serum processes, is a non-synthetic substance present in the natural structure of the skin. One of the characteristics of such substances is that they are not permanent.

Therefore, youth vaccination applications are not permanent either. The permanence period of this process shows the effect of 12-18 months. However, if the procedure is done regularly, the duration of the vaccine may be longer.

This application is an easy and reliable method, but it allows to see extremely negative results when not performed under appropriate conditions. If the vaccine is administered by non-specialists, many irreversible problems may arise. For this reason, the desired goals can be achieved in both permanence and successful results by performing transactions in reliable centers.

When Does the Youth Vaccine Work?

Youth serum applications are one of the procedures applied to all skin types from the age of 20. The  youth vaccine,  which is widely applied in the face, neck, hands and décolleté areas, plays an effective role in solving all the problems in these areas. The most important area of use is to slow down aging. It is generally applied to protect the skin.

In the first 2 days after vaccination, the skin starts to moisturize and the skin tone becomes better quality. The full result of this process is seen differently in everyone. It is not right to only execute the action and then do nothing. Drinking plenty of water and taking care of nutrition after the application helps the effects of the vaccine to appear faster.

A healthy diet and a healthy life make this treatment even more successful. Accordingly, the treatment is permanent for a longer period of time. Youth vaccine The effect starts to be seen with the first session and the effect increases after each session. Therefore, the person needs at least 3 sessions. These sessions are held at two-week intervals and allow 6-8 months of permanence depending on the skin structure.

How is H100 Vaccine Applied to the Neck?

The neck area is one of the areas where wrinkles and sagging are seen the most. With the implementation of H100 vaccines in these areas, recovery is observed in the region. Due to aging, loss of elasticity and many different problems can be seen around the neck and neck, as in other areas of the skin. This vaccination process is used for the treatment of these problems.

H100 Vaccine neck area applications are as follows;

  • First, local anesthetic cream is applied to the area and the application area is cleaned after anesthesia.
  • Then the H100 vaccine is injected into the skin in the neck area. The main ingredients in this vaccine are; hyaluronic acid, Mannitol, Vitamin B1-B6, organic silica, Glycine, Tyrosine and Alanine)
  • Thin needles are used during the procedure. Since these needles are thin, the feeling of pain and pain is very low.

Benefits of the H100 vaccine to the neck region;

  • Retains skin moisture and increases moisture capacity.
  • Wrinkles and sagging on the neck are removed and the area is tightened.
  • The muscle tissues under the skin are supported and wrinkles are reduced.

How is the H100 Vaccine Effects on Facial Skin?

  • Hyaluronic acid maintains its effect on the skin and prolongs its life in the tissue.
  • It supports the opening of wrinkles and mimic lines on the skin and face over the years.
  • Collects the skin and helps the skin look more alive.
  • Reduces sagging skin and supports muscle tissue.
  • It increases the moisture content and elasticity of the skin. While the youth vaccine helps the skin retain water, it increases hydration and thus repairs the tissues.
  • Prolongs the biological repair time of the skin.
  • The skin texture is tightened and the skin wrinkles are opened.
  • It supports the muscle tissues under the skin and slows down the aging time of the skin.
  • It makes the skin look more vibrant and youthful and adds dynamism to the skin.
  • It offers solutions to all the needs of the skin.

Is H100 Vaccine Applied to Decollete?

The regions where the youth serum is applied; face, neck, décolleté, back and hands. Skin problems in the décolleté area, which is one of the areas where youth vaccines are applied, are eliminated. The presence of hyaluronic acid in this application gives vitality and brightness to the décolleté area. The problems that occur in the décolleté area and other parts of the skin due to harmful substances for years are eliminated with the H100 vaccine.

As in other body parts, procedures in the decollete area are performed under local anesthesia and the procedure takes a very short time. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the décolleté area through special fine-tipped needles. As a result of these procedures, which are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks, problems in the décolleté area are improved.

Will My Skin Be Worse If I Don’t Have The Youth Vaccine?

Youth serum, known as youth vaccine, is the procedure performed on skin with problems. These procedures have solved many skin problems since they started to be applied.product In particular, the presence of hyaluronic acid in it helps to reveal visible effects on the skin.

People who have problems in the face, neck, hand, back and décolleté area may have a worse appearance if the youth serum is not applied. Because the effects of the vaccine on the skin are quite high and if this vaccine is not given, the skin cannot get what it needs. The skin loses its natural moisture rate over time. Thanks to vaccine applications, this natural moisture rate is increased and the skin protects both its aesthetic appearance and health.

With age, the skin loses its vitality and brightness. In addition to these, aging and mimic lines are starting to show themselves. Therefore, these vaccines repair the skin that stops repairing itself with aging. In addition, this process is not troublesome and easy like other treatment methods. Therefore, it is possible to have a beautiful looking skin if youth serum applications are made.

What is the Difference Between Youth Vaccine and Padding?

Hyaluronic acid, which is included in this vaccine application, is also used in filling processes as is known. It is one of the materials used safely, especially among fillings. In addition to the filler, hyaluronic acid is also used in youth vaccine applications. The most important difference of this vaccine from the filler is the absence of cross-links used to make the life of the filler even longer.

Hyaluronic acid, which is included in two applications; It spreads in the dermis in a pure state and supports the revitalization of the skin thanks to its water retention feature. Thanks to this substance, the aging period of the skin is slowed down and a younger appearance appears.

Are There Any Side Effects of Youth Vaccine?

Youth serum application does not have any serious side effects. Hyaluronic acid, which is included in this process, is a natural substance in the human body and is extremely safe. In addition, since these substances do not contain nucleic acids and proteins that can cause an allergic reaction, it can be said that the process is harmless and healthy.

Temporary redness, swelling and tenderness may be seen in the area during the application. However, these side effects pass in a short time. The veins of the elderly people are very weak and bruises can be seen very quickly in the process.

These bruises can be covered with cosmetic products with healthy ingredients. In addition, it is possible to get rid of side effects by applying creams with vitamin components to the area with the recommendation of the doctor. Although there are no serious side effects in youth vaccination procedures, it is extremely important to consult a doctor directly in case of possible risks.

What are the Side Effects of Youth Vaccine?

The side effects of the process occur depending on the material content used. However, in general youth serum applications, substances such as hyaluronic acid that are not harmful to the human body are used. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about side effects that may be serious or harmful to human health. However, minor and mild side effects can be mentioned in the treated area.

Slight redness and tiny bruises may occur at the application site. These side effects vary according to the skin structure of the person and the drugs used. In some cases, more bruising and redness may be seen in the application area than expected.

When this situation stays in the area more than it should be, the specialist doctor eliminates this problem with the necessary treatment. In order to avoid such side effects, it is very important to have detailed information about the general health status of the person before the youth vaccination procedures.