What is Face Lift?

The  facelift operation, which is one of the most preferred applications among aesthetic surgery methods, is a surgical procedure performed with the aim of making the face area, where signs of aging appear, a fresher, clearer and younger appearance, especially in individuals. is seen.

Especially during this surgical procedure, the skin in the upper part of the face, the muscle and fat tissue underneath are loosened and stretched, thus making the skin more tense and tighter. In this way, lines, wrinkles and lines on the face are reduced and completely disappear.

This procedure, which is generally preferred by people aged 35 and over, can also be performed in younger people if the skin loses its elasticity. This aesthetic procedure, which is generally preferred by women, can also be applied to men.

The  facelift applications, which has been a common treatment method recently, are in a very popular position especially in facial rejuvenation. Among the surgical methods that are frequently researched in today’s internet environment, people frequently search for surgical conditions regarding facial aging.

While the facial region in the human body stands out as an important region, especially for men and women, the perception of beauty in recent times is another factor that attracts people to these stretching surgeries. This treatment method, which is especially popular among women, can include various facial treatments.

Before this operation, various criteria such as the general health status of the patient, expectations from the operation, skin structure are of great importance, and as a result of all these evaluations, the specialist doctor who will perform the operation decides on how the operation will be performed and which techniques will be used in the procedures and creates an operation plan.

In this procedure, which is often performed under general anesthesia, an operation between 3 and 5 hours is applied. In particular, patients who have undergone surgery after this aesthetic procedure may experience mild pain, swelling and various skin bruises for a few days, but this is usually seen as a temporary element and is seen as mild side effects.

This aesthetic surgery procedure, which is applied for various reasons such as making the face look younger, lightening or completely eliminating the signs of aging on the face, is seen as an effective method. Like every surgical procedure, the  facelift operation also carries some surgical risks within itself, so it is important to consult with a specialist doctor before the operation.

How Facial Aging Develops

Facial aging is seen as a natural process that occurs with the formation and combination of various elements in the human skin. Especially in this process, the changes in the skin, which are seen together with the losses in the muscle and fat tissue and the changes in the bone tissue, are seen as an important situation for people.

Aging in the skin begins with the processes of losing the firmness, clarity, elasticity and elasticity of the skin, and this is due to the decrease in various proteins such as elastin and collagen in the skin. For this reason, the skin turns into a wrinkled, saggy and thin structure.

Loss of fat and muscle tissues in the individual also increases with aging, and all these losses cause the face to have a sharper, more pitted and more bony appearance by reducing the volume that maintains the youthful and fuller appearance of the face.

However, changes in bone tissue are also effective in the aging process in humans. Especially osteoporosis and restructuring of bones cause changes in face shape. Losses on the jaw and cheek bones are also among the important conditions that lead to the formation of lines and sagging on the face.

In addition to all these, various environmental factors such as smoking, stress, sun rays and bad eating habits are among the important factors in aging. In this regard, while sun rays cause damage to various proteins such as collagen and elastin in the skin; Bad habits such as smoking, which prevent the skin from getting oxygen, also cause the skin to age faster.

While facial aging is seen as a natural process that occurs as a result of various protein deficiencies in the skin, bone resorption, harmful habits and various environmental factors, various measures such as regular exercise, nutritional habits and protection from sun rays can reduce these signs of aging to minimize the effects of the aging process.

When Is Surgery Needed?

In particular, individuals avoid the subject of surgery in aesthetic procedures, and this can be seen as a very natural situation. Surgery, which is an important option for the treatment of medical conditions or the correction of various aesthetic problems in the body, includes the applications that are left to the preferences of the patients, with the option of non-surgical procedure in recent facelift operations.

A specialist doctor usually decides when the surgery will be needed in individuals, and this may vary depending on the person’s health status, skin structure, age, signs of aging, general structure and the risks of the surgery.

In the case of facelift  it is performed if the patient’s wrinkles, skin structures and general conditions do not match the non-surgical options, and in this sense, various information about the operation status and plan can be obtained by conducting a detailed interview with a specialist doctor.

How Long Does Face Lift Surgery Last?

One of the most frequently asked questions about  facelift operations, especially by people, is how long these surgeries last.

If an answer needs to be given on this subject, the results of this surgery may differ according to the techniques of the surgery, the condition of the person, his age and lifestyle and the experience of the specialist doctor. Despite this, the results of facelift operations are seen as permanent and the effects of these aesthetic procedures can last for years.

In addition to all these, the aging process can occur in different ways in different ways in each individual, and it should not be forgotten that various changes in the face can be experienced naturally after this facelift surgery along with various other factors.

While it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations before the surgery and to participate in the regular check-ups during the recovery process, adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising and being protected from sunlight are among the factors that can make this surgery more permanent for the individual, especially during the recovery period.

What Should Be Considered Before Facelift Surgery?

Before this surgery, patients who are planning to have this surgery should take care of their own health, stay away from harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol for a while, stop using certain drugs, apply a healthy diet program and pay attention to various factors such as regular exercise plans.

Patients should also pay attention to their pre-operative preparations carefully with the recommendations of the doctor. In this regard, discussing the questions about the surgery in detail in the company of a specialist doctor before the operation, learning the treatment plan are among the important factors to be considered before the operation.

While the best advice and recommendations on this subject can be learned through a specialist doctor and surgical doctors, the factors to be considered in these recently popular stretching methods are of great importance.

Life After Face Lift Surgery

After facelift surgery, especially patients can return to their normal lives in a short period of time. Among the restrictions in this procedure, which can create certain restrictions and difficulties especially during the healing process, there are various factors such as the patients resting in the hospital for a few days if possible, not applying pressure to their faces and lying flat.

In addition, applying ice to reduce swelling in the operated area and avoiding any trauma to the surgery area are among the prominent factors in life after this surgery.

Along with all these, the patient should pay great attention to the recommendations and recommendations of the specialist doctor after the  facelift surgery. While using various drugs as recommended by the specialist doctor is an important factor in this regard, the post-treatment practices of each patient may be different, as recovery processes may differ from person to person.

Although the recovery processes after this surgery differ from person to person, recovery processes in general can vary between a week and a few months. The best option in this regard would be to consult a specialist doctor.

Do I Need to Have Face Lift Surgery Again?

This surgery is usually permanent depending on the person. The duration of facial aesthetics, which depends on the age, skin type and lifestyle of the person, is important in this regard. In some cases, people can have a facial plastic surgery again.

Am I Suitable For A Face Lift?

Individuals frequently ask various questions about being a suitable candidate for this surgery.

Generally, people with good general health conditions and individuals showing signs of facial aging are considered suitable candidates for this procedure.

Where Should I Lift My Face and With Which Method?

The facelift procedure can vary from person to person. Facelift applications may vary according to the age of the person, the skin type of the person, the condition of the sagging on the face and the location.

The best option in this regard is to perform an operation plan with a specialist surgeon.

Is There Any Obvious Scar After Face Lift Surgery?

There is usually no obvious scar after facelift surgery. Minimal scars are seen as scars that heal and pass over time.

Although this situation may vary depending on the specialist surgeon who performs the operation, the scars are usually hidden behind the ear in surgeries performed by specialist doctors.

When Will Results Be Obtained in Face Lift Surgery?

Generally, the recovery period after this surgery takes 2-3 weeks and all complications, edema and bruises in the patient decrease during this period.

Full results can be seen in this procedure within 6 to 12 months.

When to Return to Normal Life After Face Lift?

The time for patients to return to normal life after facelift surgery may vary depending on the type of operation and the recovery process of the patient.

After this surgery, patients rest for 2 to 3 days and can return to their daily routines afterwards.

Is Face Lift Surgery Understandable by Everyone?

Facelift procedures are known as a highly technical process, especially among aesthetic procedures.

In general, these processes may not be understood by everyone, but this may vary according to the quality of the application.

How Long Will My New Look Last With Face Lift Surgery?

The results obtained after this aesthetic procedure can be permanent for a long time. However, it is very important for patients to take care of themselves during the recovery process after facelift  operations, and since the aging process continues in the individual, the effect of the new appearance may decrease over time.